Turku user group meeting minutes 28 May 2003
Start: 16:20 End: 21:00 Location: Turun Tietotekniikkapalvelut (Lemminkäisenkatu 14-18 A, VI floor)
- Aschwin van der Woude (chairing, minutes)
- Anders Biström
- Asko Savola
- Eija Onnela
- Esa Auranen
- Jari Pappila
- Maria Pinjanainen
- Marko Grönroos
- Pernilla Sund
- Petri Salmela
- Raimo Koski
- Tero Kuusela
- Tuomas Vesterinen
- Ville Lehtinen
- Wolf Bergenheim
Because a large number of new people were present, everybody gave a short introduction of themselves.
Eija continued by giving a short presentation (yleis.sxi) on the situation of Linux inside the city of Turku. Later on we also received a show-around of the facilities and saw the big boxes serving part of the city of Turku from behind glass.
Meeting format
Aschwin opened by explaining how the dutch Linux user group had organised their regular Linux-meetings. He also asked how more women could become involved.
- It was mentioned there is even a howto written on this subject
- www.linuxchix.org gathers women involved with Linux
- Linux-blondit is a Yahoo group for finnish-speaking women involved with Linux
The following format was agreed upon:
- Half hour Linux news
- 1 Presentation
- Problem hour
- Linux product sales hour (with discount, Dataclub??) (postponed until the meetings are successful)
- Social hour (drinking, having fun….)
Other issues:
- The availability of coffee, tea etc. will depend on the location.
- Wolf: ÅA could be interested in telling about their Linux experiences.
- Eija will approach Turku about getting us their information society funding.
Meeting location
- Jari will ask at the school he works for, Turun Ammatti-instituutti, if it is available for this kind of activities.
- Asko will also check with the school he works for, Turun ammattikorkeakoulu.
- Wolf will ask at ÅA.
- It was suggested we ask some space from Turun Messukeskus to give presentations during some of their events. Turku owns a part of it.
After a short vote eliminating possibilites, it was decided to hold meetings every last Thursday evening of the month. If one of those days is an official holiday it will be discussed if this causes real problems.
- Aschwin will send a list of dates to the list for acceptance.
This discussion will be postponed until after changeover to the new server, which will also include changes to the current website (new twiki version, solving navigation problems, and others) Wolf would like to have ideas for changes of the website and encouraged everyone to send them to him.
Demo day next steps
Several ideas already exist, soon we should discuss and decide about this demo-day. This meeting was already taking too much time, so this discussion will continue on a list or another meeting. A separate project could be started for this.
At Asko’s school they teach marketing. He suggested the students could create a plan as a school-project.
Open Office (Eija)
- Transition problems exist between OOo 1.0 and OOo 1.1, concerning localisation
- Finnish translations exist but aren’t free (GPL-sense), licensing and copyright problems
- Kongo Group has done translation work for OOo 1.0
- Sun has translated Star Office but has published only the help documents under free license so far
- The need for national policy concerning the localisation of FLOSS in general was expressed
The idea was introduced to create new list oo_localisation to discuss these issues and create a web-page. Asmo Koskinen is already doing a lot of work in this area.
- Eija will ask Asmo Koskinen if a home for his project is needed, or if he already has a project page on Sourceforge or somewhere else.
Board/annual meeting
Aschwin indicated the annual meeting for Linux-Aktivaattori is planned for next week.
- If you don’t yet have a twiki-username/email-address, please contact Wolf by email (wolf.bergenheim@linux-aktivaattori.org)
- Tuomas: One of us could give a course at työväenopisto (e.g. Open Office), perhaps for some money for the org.
- Raimo suggested to visit org/companies to introduce our activities.
- Anders asked if we should we meet LUG’s from other cities. No concrete decisions were made on this.